MUWP: Social Action Research Team

Thursday, 1. August 2002

Reflection 7/31/02

 I’m thinking about the reaction to “social action” in class today.  I thought Karen’s 2 voice poem was a great response which acknowledged the tension (and hope she’ll post a copy).  I’m wondering, if there is room on the board… or if there are any of those big huge sheets of paper around, if starting a “social action” list might be helpful as a sort of visual reminder about what it is we’re talking about.  I’m thinking of Jeanette comments linking  “social action” to the super institutions which her sociological training has led her to believe are immovable.  And… I told her in the hallway that I think my societal pessimism is linked to the same sociological perspective of the world.  Religions, governments, businesses, marriages, etc. reinterpret the rules of their respective games… but tend to go to the same roots, the same texts, and make those fit the current situation.

Change is slow and incremental because it isn’t like they’re throwing out the old texts and rewriting brand new scenarios. We’re building on top of crumbled civilizations, cities on top of cities. Yesterday’s toppled domes are today’s foundations. And… I see where this leads to frustration with subjects of fairness, justice, equity, etc. It is like events repeat as much as the change. It is like a pendulum swing more than progress.
I’m rambling I think… back to the list. Social action is listening to students. Social action is encouraging students. Social action is creating a space where learning can take place. Social action is giving even when you can’t see the results. Social action is finding a positive focus, planning how that focus will be carried out, working to carry it out and returning to it when negative feelings take hold. Social action is being willing to get feedback from students and revising your plan according to their needs. Social action is discussing your classroom concerns with colleagues who are a source of ideas, solutions, and encouragement.
Social action is being consistent. Social action is modeling. Social action is researching teaching. Social action is supporting each other in Writing Project. Social action is respecting others points of view.

Would a list like this posted somewhere in the classroom help us focus? Maybe a list that everyone could add to and look to if they get stuck in a Writing prompt.

Conversational note: After class today, Tonda asked me to consider collaborating with her on a 2 voice poem about the pledge/flag. Isn’t that neat?



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