MUWP: Social Action Research Team

Tuesday, 23. July 2002

Response groups 7/23

Well I have a lot of thinking to do now. It seems that I may not be as far off the beaten path as I thought I was.

We have talked about a lot of stuff. It seems that I am looking at more of how the schools seem to be failing students in giving them the skills to survive either in a socialist or free- market society.

Perhaps we are not teaching the freemarket system because it says that some people will fail. It seems that all the programs that get instituted in schools have so much to do with buiolding a kids self-esteem and to not let kids fail.

I think this is unrealistic. Kids are going to fail just as adults do. The key thing we need to teach kids is to get back up and go again. If we stopped after a failure I know that I would not be here today. It has taken a week and a half for me to start to 'get' socail action; to adjust my perception to grasp this.

I told Beth that it seemed like my wriing had taken on a feeling of ranting. I guess this is because of a sense of frustration that has been building in me about my kids. I know what they need to do to succeed or at least be productive but getting this knowledge into them is hard. I only have them an hour a day. How can I dilute the rest of the crap that gets pumped into their heads during the other 23 hours.

I am going to work on an outline of what I might write about for this project. I will need to focus on what will get the bes tresults both for the class, group and for me personally.


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